Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011

Uji Coba ujian semester ganjil grade 9

untuk kelas 9 SMPN 4 Metro, soal ini bisa kalian gunakan untuk latihan menghadapi semester 1. try.
untuk klas 9 A, B, C wajib mengerjakan, hasilnya share ke facebook mom, atau ke Blog. slmat mencoba.

Jumat, 25 November 2011



Senin, 14 November 2011


Minggu, 13 November 2011


Sabtu, 12 November 2011


By MrsSriendangs
History of Prambanan Temple 
Have you ever gone to prambanan temple? prambanan temple is one of tour object at Jogjakarta,  this temple is the group of the Hindu temple that built by the Kings of Dinasty Sanjaya in the ninth century , this temple also is called the Roro Jongrang Temple.
Math in Prambanan
actually in the prambanan temple there are many some concept about mathematics. you can see many object and anything that related with the mathematics. look the picture below. this is one of the several math concept.

Gradient Concept or Slope

the figure is the stair at the exit gate of prambanan, if we consider on part of the top corner and we can make line on it so we get a straight line. the inclination of the line is called slope or gradient. we can also see that the  direction on the line to the right, so we can explain that the gradient is positive.

can you find another math concept in prambanan tempel? if you will go to there don't forget to find the other concept of math. OK i wait your comment. Thanks

Senin, 07 November 2011


Minggu, 06 November 2011

Math Memo Demo Screencast

ebook The Number of sequence from

see e book in the mobile learning

e-book : The Number Of Sequence

I have tried to make the e book using the applications contained in
the results have not been up, still must a lot to study ... I will try again

download File Jar: click here

Kamis, 03 November 2011

To Show Statistics on Your Blog

by: Mrssriendangs
do you know how many people have visited your blog and what's the content on your blog which populer? to find out it you can use the statistics data from
how to get this content?

open this URL http:// and then do register first, fill the form on there, username, password, your email and your URL address. if you have finished choose normal in your account type after that you can get code from sayyac. copy this code and then open the layout on your blog and choose add gadget klick on java script, give titel fisrt example "STATS" and finnaly paste the code from sayyac into the space provided

"Tahukah kamu berapa banyak orang yang telah mengunjungi blogmu dan konten apa dalam blogmu yang populer (paling banyak dilihat). Untuk mengetahui ini kamu dapat menggunakan data statistik dari 
Bagaimana mendapatkan konten ini?
bukalah Alamat ini  selanjutnya lakukan register dulu, isilah format yang disediakan di sana, tulis nama pengguna, pasword, emailmu, dan alamat blogmu. jika sudah selesai pilih normal dalam "in your Type" setelah itu akan mendapatkan kode dari sayyac. salinlah kode ini dan bukalah lay out pada setting blogmu pilih add gadget cari tulisan Java script, berilah judul terlebih dahulu misalnya "statistik" dan terakhir paste salinan kode dari sayyac tadi ke dalam tempat yang disediakan.

Rabu, 02 November 2011


1.       Observing A Slope  Of The Straight Line
MS excel  is aplication of MS office, we can use this programm in learning proses. For example to observe the inclination of straight line. Suppose we will observe the gradient/ slope of the line y = mx + c or y = mx. To observe this case we make the graph in MS excel. We can see the inclination of line  by graph. Where is the direction of the line. Right or left.

To make a graph we will do several steps , ie;
<!--[if !supportLists]-->1.       <!--[endif]-->Open MS Excel (window 7)
<!--[if !supportLists]-->2.       <!--[endif]-->Choose a cell to write the symbol. Look at this.

3.  Write to another cell to draw the graph. Look here.

 4. The next steps . select range I9 unti J19 and then click insert  choose one of the type of graph, ie scatter and choose scatter with straight line. We get figure like this.

5.   The steps have finished. We can use the graph to observe the inclanation of the line. We can replace of the slope value or the value of constant. We will see the condition of line if the gradient and the constant are replaced.
Good luck!

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

The Equation Of Straight Line ( observing the gradient)

STRTLINE.XLS  this software fromP4TK math Yogya

The Preparation of Mid Test I of Math for grade IX

Template by : kendhin